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Documentation for Acquia Cohesion V6.0 onwards has moved to

    Step 1a. Install the DX8 modules with composer

    Using composer is the preferred way of managing your modules and themes as composer handles dependencies automatically and there is less margin for error. You can find out more about composer and how to install it here: It is not recommended to edit your composer.json file manually.

    The DX8 module and theme does not currently exist on, so you will need to tell composer where to find the repositories and also add the dependencies.

    1. Open your terminal

    Open up your terminal and navigate to your project root directory.

    2. Add the DX8 repositories 

    Next you need to run the following commands to add the DX8 repositories to your composer.json:

    composer config repositories.dx8 vcs
    composer config repositories.dx8-theme vcs


    3. Require the module and theme in your composer.json 

    Now run the following commands to require the DX8 module and DX8 minimal theme:

    composer require cohesion/dx8:5.4.10
    composer require cohesion/dx8-theme:5.4.10

    You'll need to change the version number above to correspond to the latest release of DX8 which you can find on the repository page here: by clicking "Master" and then "Tags" on the popup. 

    Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at 13.55.40.png

    4. Run composer update 

    Next run the command composer update in your terminal within your project root directory.

    DX8 will install along with several module dependencies from

    5. Enable DX8

    You can now enable DX8 through the UI once logged in as the admin user and navigate to: /admin/modules

    Enable DX8 core and all dependent modules together except for the "DX8 example custom element" module as shown below: 


    Click the form submit button and agree to install the dependencies. You will now see a new "DX8" menu item in the administration toolbar. 

    Alternatively you can also enable the modules via drush by running the following command: 

    drush pm-enable cohesion cohesion_base_styles cohesion_custom_styles cohesion_elements cohesion_style_helpers cohesion_sync cohesion_templates cohesion_website_settings -y 
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